Culture Consulting Services

Creating Your “Alignment Advantage”™

Boost Employee Retention | Employee Engagement | Performance

Full Service Culture Consulting Services

The “Cs of Success”™ is a fully scalable and proprietary methodology that we use in our Culture Consulting, created by our founder, Adam Boelke, through an iterative process of successfully building and running large customer operations for F500 companies and others over the course of 30+ years.

The 7 Cs of Success contain the pillars necessary to support an intentional culture of engagement, each starting with the letter “C”. Focusing on any one of them individually can immediately improve a company’s culture, but when all 7 are operating effectively, companies are able to fully realize and maintain the many benefits of a true culture of engagement.

Employee Culture Surveys

The Alignment Advantage Group will utilize their Cs of Success™ tools to comprehensively assess and identify the top opportunities for your organization and provide sustainable solutions to improve your organization’s culture, employee engagement, effectiveness and efficiency.

Additional Culture Service Offerings:

Mergers and Acquisitions – It’s an exciting time for everyone to use this opportunity to build a new company together. One of the most common reasons mergers and acquisitions fail is that the culture wasn’t addressed effectively. We help each of the merging companies assess where their current culture is presently at and provide the steps necessary to create an intentional, aligned culture of engagement in the new merged company.

Operationalizing the Mission –  We help companies embed the Vision, Mission and Values throughout the organization as a natural way of working versus just a poster on the wall. We help transform employee’s agreement with the Vision, Mission and Values into a solid commitment.

Positive Employee Relations – We help companies ensure the climate that the employees are experiencing matches the culture the organization desires.  The Alignment Advantage Group will help identify and prioritize the company’s top culture opportunities and work with the key stakeholders to provide sustainable long term solutions.

Rewards and Recognition – We help companies ensure the tangible and intangible rewards and recognitions are aligned with the Mission, Vision, Values and strategic objectives of the company.  The Alignment Advantage Group will help identify and prioritize the company’s top rewards and recognition opportunities and work with the key stakeholders to provide sustainable long term solutions.

Culture v. Climate Assessment (Survey and Analysis) – Based on the Cs of Success, this employee survey will help identify how consistent and aligned each team’s climate is with the desired culture of the company and provide recommendations. This is an excellent opportunity for Supervisor and Team Leader development.

Creating an Aligned Culture of Customer Loyalty– Its proven that when customers receive a low-effort experience, it directly increases customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, customer wallet share and positive word of mouth. The Alignment Advantage Group will help identify and prioritize the company’s top customer effort opportunities and work with the key stakeholders to integrate these techniques into their customer service experience.

Additional Support Services Are Available Upon Request

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