Compass Creation™ Workshop

Creating Your Company’s Most Important Documents: Your Vision | Mission | Values & Foundational Beliefs

Leadership Team Workshop

The Alignment Advantage Group’s ‘Compass Creation’ Workshop is fully interactive to ensure each of your key stakeholders has equal input into creating or updating your company’s most important documents.

Let us handle the facilitation of the workshop so you can focus and actively participate with your leadership team.

This is your opportunity to work with your leadership team to not only set an inspiring vision and mission, but to create the direction that everyone in your company will be able to use as their ‘compass’ when they’re taking action and making decisions with your customers and with each other.

This engaging workshop is designed to help your leadership team uncover its ‘True North’, create a clear inspiring vision and mission, and identify the core values that will guide everyone throughout your company. It will help you discover your team’s foundational beliefs, the core principles that each leader feels are most important to include in your culture.

After your team has created your company’s compass, the Alignment Advantage Group can also assist you with rolling it out to your entire company so that it becomes an actual compass people use, and not just another pretty poster on the wall.

Book a Free Discovery Call Today!

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Email or Call: | (O) 805-253-2533